Revision $Id: webjob-triggers-compress-upload.base,v 1.6 2007/01/23 17:51:51 klm Exp $ Purpose This recipe demonstrates how to use WebJob's server-side triggers to automatically compress (via bzip2, compress, or gzip) WebJob uploads for a specific command using configuration overrides. Motivation This recipe grew out of the desire to compress WebJob uploads as they roll in rather than waiting to process them in bulk at some later point in time (e.g., via cron/find). Requirements Cooking with this recipe requires an operational WebJob server. If you do not have one of those, refer to the instructions provided in the README.INSTALL file that comes with the source distribution. The latest source distribution is available here: Each client must be running UNIX and have basic system utilities and WebJob (1.6.0 or higher) installed. The server must be running UNIX and have basic system utilities, Apache, and WebJob (1.6.0 or higher) installed. The commands presented throughout this recipe were designed to be executed within a Bourne shell (i.e., sh or bash). This recipe assumes that you have read and implemented the following recipe: Time to Implement Assuming that you have satisfied all the requirements/prerequisites, this recipe should take less than one hour to implement. Solution The solution is to configure your WebJob server to utilize triggers, install the compression script (Appendix 1), enable triggers for a particular command, and finally, test it all out. To keep things simple, this recipe assumes that the output you wish to compress is produced by s_hlc_ps. Further, it is assumed that you are already harvesting this data from your hourly and/or daily scripts. 1. To configure your WebJob server to utilize triggers, you need to upgrade nph-webjob.cgi to revision 1.39 or higher. If your server already has WebJob 1.5.0 or higher installed, you should be able to simply replace the existing CGI script with the newer revision. Older installs will require more planning and care. Once the new script is in place, create a trigger logfile that lives in the same directory as nph-webjob.log. This can be done as follows: # WEBJOB_BASE_DIR=/var/webjob # touch ${WEBJOB_BASE_DIR}/logfiles/nph-webjob-trigger.log # chown www:www ${WEBJOB_BASE_DIR}/logfiles/nph-webjob-trigger.log # chmod 644 ${WEBJOB_BASE_DIR}/logfiles/nph-webjob-trigger.log 2. Download webjob-compress-upload from the following location, and install it in a suitable bin directory. # BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin # cp webjob-compress-upload ${BIN_DIR} # chown root:wheel ${BIN_DIR}/webjob-compress-upload # chmod 755 ${BIN_DIR}/webjob-compress-upload 3. Create a custom config file override, and populate it with the controls shown below. # mkdir -p ${WEBJOB_BASE_DIR}/config/nph-webjob/commands/s_hlc_ps --- nph-webjob.cfg --- PutTriggerEnable=Y PutTriggerCommandLine=webjob-compress-upload -m bzip2 -r %rdy --- nph-webjob.cfg --- Make sure that webjob-compress-upload and your chosen compression utility (bzip2 in this case) are in the Apache user's PATH. Now, sit back and wait for the data to roll in. 4. Verify that each of the files in the upload group have been compressed. There should be four files, and these files should have extensions that match the following: .env.bz2 .err.bz2 .out.bz2 .rdy.bz2 Closing Remarks If you don't see the correct output, try looking through the WebJob trigger and Apache error logs for clues. Also, check to see if the compression utility you specified is in the Apache user's PATH. Credits This recipe was brought to you by Klayton Monroe. References