Cooking with WebJob
This section is dedicated to capturing the various ways in which
WebJob may be applied. This information, in turn, is presented as
a set of recipes. Each recipe attempts to solve a particular task
or objective and is designed, if possible, to be scripted. The
goal of this effort is to create an electronic cookbook, of sorts,
that allows the practitioner to benefit directly from the experience
of others.
All recipes and scripts or programs contained within them are
distributed under same terms and conditions as WebJob.
Compiling and Testing
- Compile OpenSSL for use with WebJob using MinGW/MSYS
- Compile OpenSSL for use with WebJob using Visual Studio
Database and Reporting
- Preprocess lsof socket data, load it into MySQL, and run analysis queries
- Harvest system information, load it into MySQL, and create a set of browsable HTML reports
- Preprocess df data, load it into RRD, and create a set of browsable HTML reports and graphs
- Preprocess timeup data, load it into RRD, and create a set of browsable HTML reports and graphs
- Preprocess uptime data, load it into RRD, and create a set of browsable HTML reports and graphs
Administration and Management
- Manage system config files, rc scripts, and other selected, text-based files
- Insert/Remove specified cron jobs on an as needed basis
- Manage root's crontab (FreeBSD)
- Managing multiple Snort instances on many systems
- Execute an arbitrary number of links in a job chain
- Periodically (hourly/daily) run administrative tasks
- Periodically run administrative tasks via command bundles (scripts)
- Execute an arbitrary number of jobs using job queues.
- Deploy and verify the installation of a FreeBSD package
- Deploy and verify the installation of a Slackware package
- Deploy and verify the installation of a Solaris package
- Update WebJob via WebJob
Collection and Monitoring
- Harvest and check Solaris ndd security settings
- Harvest and monitor argus data
- Harvest and monitor ps data
- Harvest FTimes map/dig data from Windows platforms using self-extracting executables (NSIS)
- Harvest df data every 5 minutes and periodically rsync it to a central server
- Harvest lsof socket data (TCP/UDP)
- Harvest timeup data once every 15 minutes and periodically rsync it to a central server
- Harvest uptime data once a minute and periodically rsync it to a central server
- Run tcpdump on a group of IDS sensors to collect network traffic
- Basic Integrity Monitoring Via WebJob -- or BIMVW for short
- Process BIMVW output and create a set of browsable HTML reports
Compliance Testing and Patch Analysis
- Run DISA's UNIX Security Readiness Review Scripts (SRRs)
- Check Solaris patch levels for compliance with Sun Alert reports
Synchronization and Automatic Updates
- Synchronize data (push/pull) using rsync, ssh, and dynamic keys
- Automatically update or repair a webpage
- Automatically update or repair a website
WebJob Server Configuration, Tuning, and Maintenance
- Restrict client access through the use of an access list
- Automatically compress WebJob uploads using triggers and configuration overrides
- Convert an OpenSSL key to a public/private OpenSSH key-pair
- Run a command if its hash matches a predetermined value
- Create a reverse tunnel using ssh and dynamic keys