nph-webjob.cgi - Process webjob GET/JOB/PUT requests.
--- http.conf ---
Include /var/webjob/config/apache/webjob.conf
--- http.conf ---
--- /var/webjob/config/apache/webjob.conf ---
SetEnv WEBJOB_PROPERTIES_FILE /var/webjob/config/nph-webjob/nph-webjob.cfg
ScriptAlias /cgi-client/ "/usr/local/webjob/cgi/cgi-client/"
<Directory "/usr/local/webjob/cgi/cgi-client/">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
--- /var/webjob/config/apache/webjob.conf ---
This utility implements a Common Gateway Interface (CGI), and its
purpose is to processes webjob GET/JOB/PUT requests.
The name of this utility must begin with the string ``nph-''. This
naming convention, which stands for Non Parsed Headers, informs the
web server that the utility is responsible for generating the entire
HTTP response. Non Parsed Headers are used by this utility because
they allow it to take full advantage of HTTP status code extensions.
This simplifies client-side error checking without giving up the
ability to generate application-specific responses.
The nph-webjob.cfg config file is used to control the CGI's runtime
behavior. To make use of it, set WEBJOB_PROPERTIES_FILE as
appropriate. Upon execution, the script looks for and processes the
file specified by this environment variable.
The cgi-client directory is where nph-webjob.cgi lives by default.
Access to this directory should be strictly controlled, and any
utilities placed in this directory should operate in the same security
context (or realm). This utility is designed to read/write data
from/to the server's local disk on behalf of potentially hostile
clients. Therefore, you'll want to maintain a tight rein to avoid any
unwanted results.
This section describes the various controls that this program
recognizes. In general, controls either shape runtime behavior or
provide information needed to perform a specific function. Controls
and their values, one pair/line, are read from a file having the
following format.
<control> = <value>
All controls are case insensitive, but, in general, their values
are not. Comments may occur anywhere on a given line, and must
begin with a pound character (i.e., '#'). In any given line, all
text to the right of the first comment will be ignored. White
space surrounding controls and values is ignored.
- BaseDirectory: <path>
BaseDirectory is the epicenter of activity. The default value is
- CapContentLength: [Y|N]
CapContentLength forces the script to abort when ContentLength
exceeds MaxContentLength. The default value is 'N'.
- ConfigSearchOrder: [clients|commands|clients:commands|commands:clients]
ConfigSearchOrder specifies the order in which custom config files
are sought out and processed. Custom config files may be used to
override a predefined subset of the site-specific properties. The
following tree enumerates the locations where global and custom config
files may exist.
+ nph-webjob
- nph-webjob.cfg # applies globally
+ clients
| |
| - nph-webjob.cfg # applies globally
| |
| + <client-N>
| |
| - nph-webjob.cfg # applies to all commands for <client-N>
| |
| + <command-N>
| |
| - nph-webjob.cfg # applies only to <client-N>/<command-N>
+ commands
- nph-webjob.cfg # applies globally
+ <command-N>
- nph-webjob.cfg # applies to all clients for <command-N>
+ <client-N>
- nph-webjob.cfg # applies only to <command-N>/<client-N>
As each config file is processed, its values trump those of any that
came before -- including any values that came from global config
files. Supported values for this variable are 'clients', 'commands',
'clients:commands', and 'commands:clients'. The default value is
- ConfigDirectory: <path>
ConfigDirectory is where various configuration files are
maintained. The default value is '<BaseDirectory>/config'.
- DsvMaxSignatureLength: <integer>
DsvMaxSignatureLength specifies the maximum signature length that
the script is willing to allow. If the signature length exceeds this
limit (in bytes), the script will abort. The default value is 256.
- DsvNullSignature: <string>
DsvNullSignature specifies the signature for a null response. The
script will abort if DsvRequireSignatures is enabled and this value
is not defined.
- DsvRequireSignatures: [Y|N]
When active, DsvRequireSignatures forces the script to abort if no
signature file is found, or if the signature does not meet basic
syntax checks. A signature file must have the same basename as the
requested payload, and its suffix must match the value defined by
DsvSignatureSuffix. The default value is 'N'.
- DsvSignatureSuffix: <suffix>
DsvSignatureSuffix specifies the suffix assigned to and used by
signature files. A signature file must have the same basename as the
requested payload, and its suffix must match the value defined by this
property. The default value is '.sig'.
- DynamicDirectory: <path>
DynamicDirectory is where dynamic content is stored. The default
value is '<BaseDirectory>/dynamic'.
- EnableGetService: [Y|N]
When active, EnableGetService allows the script to accept and
process valid GET requests. This control can be overridden, and its
intended purpose is to administratively disable access for valid
clients (e.g., to force a failover). The default value is 'Y'.
- EnableHostAccessList: [Y|N]
When active, EnableHostAccessList causes the script to consult a
host access list to determine whether or not the client will be
granted access based on its IP address. Note: This mechanism will
fail closed if it's enabled and the access list is missing or does not
contain the necessary client ID to IP address mappings. The default
value is 'N'.
- EnableConfigOverrides: [Y|N]
When active, EnableConfigOverrides causes the script to seek out
and process additional client- and/or command-specific config files
(see ConfigSearchOrder). The default value is 'Y'.
- EnableJobQueues: [Y|N]
When active, EnableJobQueues allows the script to pull jobs from
job queues and answer JOB requests. The default value is 'Y'.
- EnableLogging: [Y|N]
When active, EnableLogging forces the script to generate a log
message for each request. If the designated LogFile can not be
opened, the log message will be written to STDERR. The default value
is 'Y'.
- EnablePutService: [Y|N]
When active, EnablePutService allows the script to accept and
process valid PUT requests. This control can be overridden, and its
intended purpose is to administratively disable access for valid
clients (e.g., to prevent unwanted uploads). The default value is
- FolderList: <item[:item[...]]>
FolderList specifies locations where shared programs can be found.
If a requested file does not exist in a given client's commands
directory, the FolderList is searched according to the order given
here. The list delimiter is a colon (i.e., ':'). An example list
would be 'common:shared'. The default value is 'common'.
- GetHookCommandLine: <command>
GetHookCommandLine is a command string consisting of zero or more
conversion specifications optionally interspersed with zero or more
plain text characters. The following conversion specifications are
%A = Weekday as a full name
%a = Weekday as an abbreviated name
%cid = Client ID as a string
%cmd = Client-requested command as a string
%d = Day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
%dynamic_cmd = Alias for %dynamic_out
%dynamic_dir = Full path of the dynamic directory
%dynamic_out = Full path of the dynamic output file that is to be created
%dynamic_sig = Full path of the dynamic signature file that is to be created
%H = Hour as a decimal number (00-23)
%ip = IP address as a dotted quad string
%jid = Job ID as a string
%M = Minute as a decimal number (00-59)
%m = Month as a decimal number (01-12)
%pid = Process ID of server-side CGI script
%S = Second as a decimal number (00-60)
%s = Number of seconds since the Epoch
%sid = Server ID as a string
%system_version = System version as given by the client
%u = Weekday as a decimal number (1-7)
%w = Weekday as a decimal number (0-6)
%Y = Year with century as a decimal number
For example, the following command string:
{ if [ "%H"X = "23"X ] ; then cp /<path>/checker %dynamic_out ; else { echo ; echo ":" ; } > %dynamic_out ; fi ; }
will copy the checker command to the filename represented by
%dynamic_out if the current hour is 23. Otherwise, a script that
simpy returns true is created on-the-fly -- effectively turning the
job into a NOOP.
If the specified command is an empty string, then the hook mechanism
is (effectively) disabled, and the condition is logged. However, if
the hook is disabled (i.e., GetHookEnable=N), then this control is
- GetHookLogDivertedOutput: [Y|N]
GetHookLogDivertedOutput causes the script to divert any output on
stdout/stderr to nph-webjob-hook.{err,out}. Normally, output for
these streams is discarded since hook commands should be written to
keep them clean (e.g., by logging to a file). The default value is
Note: If a given hook command is not working properly, you can use
this option to capture any output that was written to stdout/stderr.
That, in turn, may help you debug the problem.
Note: If logging is disabled (i.e., EnableLogging=N), this control
is ignored.
- GetHookEnable: [Y|N]
When active, GetHookEnable causes the script to execute the command
line specified by GetHookCommandLine. The behavior of the hook
mechanism is to launch a subprocess and wait for it to finish. The
purpose of the subprocess is to create dynamic content that will be
delivered to the client. The hook mechanism is highly configurable --
config file overrides are fully supported, multiple conversion tokens
are available, and the user determines what, if any, commands are
executed when the hook is activated. Currently, hooks are only
activated if they are enabled and a hook command has been defined.
The default value is 'N'.
- GetHookStatus: <integer>
GetHookStatus determines the meaning of success for the hook. If
the specified value does not match the exit status as returned by
system(), the hook is considered a failure and the entire job is
aborted. Otherwise, processing continues as normal. The default
value is '0'.
- GetHookStatusMap: <integer:integer>[,<integer:integer>[...]]
GetHookStatusMap allows the user to map hook exit codes into HTTP
response codes. No mappings are defined by default.
- GetTriggerCommandLine: <command>
GetTriggerCommandLine is a command string consisting of zero or
more conversion specifications optionally interspersed with zero or
more plain text characters. The following conversion specifications
are supported:
%A = Weekday as a full name
%a = Weekday as an abbreviated name
%cid = Client ID as a string
%cmd = Client-requested command as a string
%d = Day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
%H = Hour as a decimal number (00-23)
%jid = Job ID as a string
%ip = IP address as a dotted quad string
%M = Minute as a decimal number (00-59)
%m = Month as a decimal number (01-12)
%pid = Process ID of server-side CGI script
%S = Second as a decimal number (00-60)
%s = Number of seconds since the Epoch
%sid = Server ID as a string
%u = Weekday as a decimal number (1-7)
%w = Weekday as a decimal number (0-6)
%Y = Year with century as a decimal number
For example, the following command string:
echo "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GET %jid %cid" >> /var/log/%cid.jids
will append the current date, time, request method, job ID, and client
ID to a client-specific file in /var/log.
If the specified command is an empty string, then the trigger
mechanism is (effectively) disabled, and the condition is logged.
However, if the trigger is disabled (i.e., GetTriggerEnable=N), then
this control is ignored.
Note: Triggers are not currently supported on Windows platforms.
- GetTriggerEnable: [Y|N]
When active, GetTriggerEnable causes the script to execute the
command line specified by GetTriggerCommandLine. The behavior of
the trigger mechanism is to launch a subprocess and continue with the
main line of execution. In particular, the script will not block or
wait for the subprocess to finish, nor will it attempt check the
status or cleanup after the subprocess. The trigger mechanism is
highly configurable -- config file overrides are fully supported,
multiple conversion tokens are available, and the user determines
what, if any, commands are executed when the trigger is pulled.
Currently, triggers are only pulled if they are enabled, a trigger
command has been defined, and the HTTP status code is 200. The
default value is 'N'.
Note: Triggers are not currently supported on Windows platforms.
- IncomingDirectory: <path>
IncomingDirectory is where various client uploads are stored. The
default value is '<BaseDirectory>/incoming'.
- JobQueueActive: [Y|N]
When active, JobQueueActive causes the script to pull jobs from the
specified job queue. The default value is 'Y'.
- JobQueueDirectory: <path>
JobQueueDirectory is where client job queues are maintained. The
default value is '<SpoolDirectory>/jqd'.
- JobQueuePqActiveLimit: <integer>
JobQueuePqActiveLimit specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs
that may be in an active state (i.e., either 'sent' or 'open'). If
JobQueueActive is disabled, this control is ignored. A value of
zero means there is no limit. The default value is '0'.
- JobQueuePqAnswerLimit: <integer>
JobQueuePqAnswerLimit specifies the maximum number of parallel jobs
that will be returned to the client. If JobQueueActive is
disabled, this control is ignored. A value of zero means there is no
limit. The default value is '0'.
phProperties{'JobQueuePqAnswerLimit'} = 0;
- JobQueueSqActiveLimit: <integer>
JobQueueSqActiveLimit specifies the maximum number of serial jobs
that may be in an active state (i.e., either 'sent' or 'open'). If
JobQueueActive is disabled, this control is ignored. A value of
zero means there is no limit. The default value is '1'.
- JobQueueSqAnswerLimit: <integer>
JobQueueSqAnswerLimit specifies the maximum number of serial jobs
that will be returned to the client. If JobQueueActive is
disabled, this control is ignored. A value of zero means there is no
limit. The default value is '0'.
- LogfilesDirectory: <path>
LogfilesDirectory is where log files are stored. The default value
is '<BaseDirectory>/logfiles'.
- MaxContentLength: <integer>
MaxContentLength specifies the largest upload in bytes the script
will accept. If CapContentLength is disabled, this control has no
effect. The default value is '100000000'.
- OverwriteExistingFiles: [Y|N]
When active, OverwriteExistingFiles forces the script to unlink
existing files prior to writing the uploaded data. The default
PutNameFormat used by this script attempts to prevent filename
collisions. However, that behavior is user-defined, and in some
cases, it may be desirable to specify a PutNameFormat that is
guaranteed to create collisions. In those situations, this control
must be enabled to produce the desired outcome (i.e., allow existing
files with the same name to be overwritten). The default value is
- ProfilesDirectory: <path>
ProfilesDirectory is where client profiles and shared commands are
maintained. The default value is '<BaseDirectory>/profiles'.
- PutHookCommandLine: <command>
PutHookCommandLine is a command string consisting of zero or more
conversion specifications optionally interspersed with zero or more
plain text characters. The following conversion specifications are
%A = Weekday as a full name
%a = Weekday as an abbreviated name
%cid = Client ID as a string
%cmd = Client-requested command as a string
%d = Day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
%dynamic_dir = Full path of the dynamic directory
%dynamic_out = Full path of the dynamic output file that is to be created
%dynamic_sig = Full path of the dynamic signature file that is to be created
%env = Full path to .env file as a string
%err = Full path to .err file as a string
%H = Hour as a decimal number (00-23)
%ip = IP address as a dotted quad string
%jid = Job ID as a string
%job_time = Time between the creation of the job ID and the .rdy file is created
%jqt = Job Queue Tag
%lck = Full path to .lck file as a string
%M = Minute as a decimal number (00-59)
%m = Month as a decimal number (01-12)
%out = Full path to .out file as a string
%pid = Process ID of server-side CGI script
%rdy = Full path to .rdy file as a string
%S = Second as a decimal number (00-60)
%s = Number of seconds since the Epoch
%sid = Server ID as a string
%system_version = System version as given by the client
%u = Weekday as a decimal number (1-7)
%w = Weekday as a decimal number (0-6)
%Y = Year with century as a decimal number
If the specified command is an empty string, then the hook mechanism
is (effectively) disabled, and the condition is logged. However, if
the hook is disabled (i.e., PutHookEnable=N), then this control is
- PutHookLogDivertedOutput: [Y|N]
PutHookLogDivertedOutput causes the script to divert any output on
stdout/stderr to nph-webjob-hook.{err,out}. Normally, output for
these streams is discarded since hook commands should be written to
keep them clean (e.g., by logging to a file). The default value is
Note: If a given hook command is not working properly, you can use
this option to capture any output that was written to stdout/stderr.
That, in turn, may help you debug the problem.
Note: If logging is disabled (i.e., EnableLogging=N), this control
is ignored.
- PutHookEnable: [Y|N]
When active, PutHookEnable causes the script to execute the command
line specified by PutHookCommandLine. The behavior of the hook
mechanism is to launch a subprocess and wait for it to finish. The
purpose of the subprocess is to create dynamic content that will be
delivered to the client. The hook mechanism is highly configurable --
config file overrides are fully supported, multiple conversion tokens
are available, and the user determines what, if any, commands are
executed when the hook is activated. Currently, hooks are only
activated if they are enabled and a hook command has been defined.
The default value is 'N'.
- PutHookStatus: <integer>
PutHookStatus determines the meaning of success for the hook. If
the specified value does not match the exit status as returned by
system(), the hook is considered a failure and the entire job is
aborted. Otherwise, processing continues as normal. The default
value is '0'.
- PutHookStatusMap: <integer:integer>[,<integer:integer>[...]]
PutHookStatusMap allows the user to map hook exit codes into HTTP
response codes. No mappings are defined by default.
- PutNameFormat: <format>
PutNameFormat controls how files are named/saved in the incoming
directory. In other words, it controls the directory's layout.
Basically, PutNameFormat is a format string consisting of zero or
more conversion specifications optionally interspersed with zero or
more plain text characters. The following conversion specifications
are supported:
%A = Weekday as a full name
%a = Weekday as an abbreviated name
%cid = Client ID as a string
%cmd = Client-requested command as a string
%d = Day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
%H = Hour as a decimal number (00-23)
%ip = IP address as a dotted quad string
%M = Minute as a decimal number (00-59)
%m = Month as a decimal number (01-12)
%pid = Process ID of server-side CGI script
%S = Second as a decimal number (00-60)
%s = Number of seconds since the Epoch
%sid = Server ID as a string
%u = Weekday as a decimal number (1-7)
%w = Weekday as a decimal number (0-6)
%Y = Year with century as a decimal number
For example, the following format string:
will cause uploaded files to be stored in sub-directories that
correspond to the name of the command executed, and each output
filename will consist of an IP address, date, and time.
The added flexibility provided by this scheme means that it is
possible to create format strings that are problematic. Consider the
following string:
While this is a legal format string, it is likely to cause name
collisions (e.g., the same client runs the same command two or more
times). Therefore, it is important to create format strings that
contain enough job specific information to distinguish one set of
uploaded files from another.
The default value is '%cid/%cmd/%Y-%m-%d/%H.%M.%S.%pid'.
- PutTriggerCommandLine: <command>
PutTriggerCommandLine is a command string consisting of zero or
more conversion specifications optionally interspersed with zero or
more plain text characters. The following conversion specifications
are supported:
%A = Weekday as a full name
%a = Weekday as an abbreviated name
%cid = Client ID as a string
%cmd = Client-requested command as a string
%d = Day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
%env = Full path to .env file as a string
%err = Full path to .err file as a string
%H = Hour as a decimal number (00-23)
%ip = IP address as a dotted quad string
%jid = Job ID as a string
%job_time = Time between the creation of the job ID and the .rdy file is created
%jqt = Job Queue Tag
%lck = Full path to .lck file as a string
%M = Minute as a decimal number (00-59)
%m = Month as a decimal number (01-12)
%out = Full path to .out file as a string
%pid = Process ID of server-side CGI script
%rdy = Full path to .rdy file as a string
%S = Second as a decimal number (00-60)
%s = Number of seconds since the Epoch
%sid = Server ID as a string
%u = Weekday as a decimal number (1-7)
%w = Weekday as a decimal number (0-6)
%Y = Year with century as a decimal number
For example, the following command string:
echo "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S PUT %jid %cid" >> /var/log/%cid.jids
will append the current date, time, request method, job ID, and client
ID to a client-specific file in /var/log.
If the specified command is an empty string, then the trigger
mechanism is (effectively) disabled, and the condition is logged.
However, if the trigger is disabled (i.e., PutTriggerEnable=N),
then this control is ignored.
Note: Triggers are not currently supported on Windows platforms.
- PutTriggerEnable: [Y|N]
When active, PutTriggerEnable causes the script to execute the
command line specified by PutTriggerCommandLine. The behavior of
the trigger mechanism is to launch a subprocess and continue with the
main line of execution. In particular, the script will not block or
wait for the subprocess to finish, nor will it attempt check the
status or cleanup after the subprocess. The trigger mechanism is
highly configurable -- config file overrides are fully supported,
multiple conversion tokens are available, and the user determines
what, if any, commands are executed when the trigger is pulled.
Currently, triggers are only pulled if they are enabled, a trigger
command has been defined, and the HTTP status code is 200. The
default value is 'N'.
Note: Triggers are not currently supported on Windows platforms.
- RequireMatch: [Y|N]
RequireMatch forces the script to abort unless ClientId matches
RemoteUser. When this value is disabled, any authenticated user will
be allowed to issue requests for a given client. Disabling
RequireUser implicitly disables RequireMatch. The default value
is 'Y'.
- RequireUser: [Y|N]
RequireUser forces the script to abort unless RemoteUser has been
set. The default value is 'Y'.
- ServerId: <string>
ServerId specifies the identity assigned to the WebJob server. The
default value is 'server_1'.
- SpoolDirectory: <path>
SpoolDirectory is where spools and queues are maintained. The
default value is '<BaseDirectory>/spool'.
- SslRequireCn: [Y|N]
SslRequireCn forces the script to abort unless SslClientSDnCn has
been set. If SslRequireSsl is disabled, this and all other SSL
controls are ignored. The default value is 'N'.
- SslRequireMatch: [Y|N]
SslRequireMatch forces the script to abort if ClientId does not
match SslClientSDnCn. When this control is disabled, access will be
governed by RequireMatch. Disabling SslRequireCn implicitly
disables SslRequireMatch. Also, if SslRequireSsl is disabled, this
and all other SSL controls are ignored. The SslRequireMatch check
is performed prior to (not instead of) the RequireMatch check. The
default value is 'N'.
- SslRequireSsl: [Y|N]
SslRequireSsl forces the script to abort unless the client is
speaking HTTPS. Disabling SslRequireSsl implicitly disables all
SSL-related controls. The default value is 'Y'.
- UseGmt: [Y|N]
When active, UseGmt forces the script to convert all time values to
GMT. Otherwise, time values are converted to local time. The default
value is 'N'.
- BaseDirectory/logfiles/jqd.log
This utility writes JQD-related log messages to jqd.log. This file
contains the following fields separated by whitespace in the given
order: Date, Time, JobId, Program, Pid, Creator, Queue, QueueTag,
OldQueueState, NewQueueState, Command, CommandSize, PoundName,
JobGroup, Result, and Message. A single hyphen, '-', is used to
denote the fact that a particular field had an empty or undefined
value. The Message field is set off from the other fields with a
double hyphen '--' because it uses a free form text format that can
include whitespace.
- BaseDirectory/logfiles/nph-webjob.log
This utility writes log messages to nph-webjob.log (see
nph-webjob.cfg). This file contains the following fields separated by
whitespace in the given order: Date, Time, JobId, RemoteUser,
RemoteAddress, RequestMethod, ClientId, Filename, ContentLength,
ServerContentLength, Duration, ReturnStatus, and ErrorMessage. A
single hyphen, '-', is used to denote the fact that a particular field
had an empty or undefined value. The ErrorMessage field is set off
from the other fields with a double hyphen '--' because it uses a free
form text format that can include whitespace.
- BaseDirectory/logfiles/nph-webjob-hook.err
This utility captures hook-related output on stderr and writes it to
nph-webjob-hook.err. This file is a bit bucket for dirty hook
commands. It is also useful as a debugging aid when creating new hook
- BaseDirectory/logfiles/nph-webjob-hook.log
This utility writes hook-related log messages to nph-webjob-hook.log.
This file contains the following fields separated by whitespace in the
given order: Date, Time, JobId, RequestMethod, ClientId, Filename,
PidLabel, Pid, State, and Message. A single hyphen, '-', is used to
denote the fact that a particular field had an empty or undefined
value. The Message field is set off from the other fields with a
double hyphen '--' because it uses a free form text format that can
include whitespace.
- BaseDirectory/logfiles/nph-webjob-hook.out
This utility captures hook-related output on stdout and writes it to
nph-webjob-hook.out. This file is a bit bucket for dirty hook
commands. It is also useful as a debugging aid when creating new hook
- BaseDirectory/logfiles/nph-webjob-trigger.log
This utility writes trigger-related log messages to
nph-webjob-trigger.log. This file contains the following fields
separated by whitespace in the given order: Date, Time, JobId,
RequestMethod, ClientId, Filename, PidLabel, Pid, State, and Message.
A single hyphen, '-', is used to denote the fact that a particular
field had an empty or undefined value. The Message field is set off
from the other fields with a double hyphen '--' because it uses a free
form text format that can include whitespace.
Klayton Monroe
nph-config.cgi(1), webjob(1)
All documentation and code are distributed under same terms and
conditions as WebJob.