webjob-cfg-set-kvps - Set config file key/value pairs.
webjob-cfg-set-kvps [-d delimiter] [-o option[,option[,...]]] [-q quote] [-t type] -f file key=value [key=value ...]
This utility sets one or more key/value pairs in the specified config
file. Values for existing keys will be overwritten, and any comments
and/or blank lines will be lost as a result of updating the file.
Finally, all keys will be sorted lexically.
- -d delimiter
Specifies the delimiter. Valid delimiters include the following
characters: colon ':', equals sign '=', and pipe '|'. The default
delimiter is an equals sign.
Note: The delimiter for key/value pairs specified on the command line
is affected by this option. Also, make sure key/value pair arguments
are properly quoted -- especially when the specified delimiter is a
- -f file
Specifies the name of the config file to create or alter. If the file
does not exist, it will be created.
- -o option,[option[,...]]
Specifies the list of options to apply. Currently, the following
options are supported:
- BeQuiet
Don't print warning messages.
- QuoteValues
Enable the quoting of all values. When enabled, any quotes (of the
same kind) embedded in the value are escaped with a backslash '\'.
- -q quote
Specifies the quote symbol (either single or double). The default
quote symbol is a double quote. The quoting of values is disabled by
- -t type
Specifies the type of config file being operated on. Each supported
type has a custom template that is used to validate keys and values.
Currently, the following types are supported:
- generic
- nph-config.custom
- nph-config.global
- nph-webjob.custom
- nph-webjob.global
- webjob.execute
- webjob.get-url
- webjob.server
The default type is generic.
Klayton Monroe
All documentation and code are distributed under same terms and
conditions as WebJob.