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webjob-jqd-change-priority - Change the priority of the specified jobs.


webjob-jqd-change-priority [-d jqd-dir] [-e queue[,queue[...]]] [-G group-file] -i queue[,queue[...]] [-s {all|state[,state[...]]}] -p priority job-regex [job-regex ...]


This utility changes the priority of the specified jobs.


-d jqd-dir

Specifies the base directory where queues live. This directory must exist. The default value is /var/webjob/spool/jqd.

-e queue[,queue[...]]

Specifies one or more queues or queue groups that are to be excluded from the job assignment. Note that group names must be prefixed with '%'. For example, a group called 'test' must be specified as '%test'.

-G group-file

Specifies an alternate group file. The default group file is /var/webjob/config/jqd/groups.

-i queue[,queue[...]]

Specifies one or more queues or queue groups that are to be included in the job assignment. Note that group names must be prefixed with '%'. For example, a group called 'test' must be specified as '%test'.

-p priority

Specifies the new job priority. Priorities can be in the range [0-99] with 0 being the highest priority.

-s {all|state[,state[...]]}

Restrict actions to the specified list of job states. Currently, the following states are supported: 'hold', 'todo', 'sent', 'open', 'done', 'pass', 'fail', and 'foul'. You may also use the keyword 'all' as an alias for all states.


Klayton Monroe


webjob-jqd-create-job(1), webjob-jqd-change-state(1), webjob-jqd-delete-job(1), webjob-jqd-list-jobs(1)


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