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webjob-setup-server - Install and configure WebJob server-side components.


webjob-setup-server [-F] [-p {all|config|derived}] -f {file|-}


This utility installs and configures WebJob server-side components.

The tree structure depicted here is used by the server to support WebJob request processing. Each top-level directory is explained in the following paragraphs.

       + archives (reserved)
       + config
       |   |
       |   + apache
       |   |   |
       |   |   - ht-client
       |   |   - ht-public
       |   |   - webjob.conf
       |   |
       |   + dsv
       |   |   |
       |   |   - webjob-dsv.pem
       |   |   - webjob-key.pem
       |   |
       |   + jqd
       |   |   |
       |   |   - groups
       |   |
       |   + nph-config
       |   |   |
       |   |   - nph-config.cfg
       |   |   |
       |   |   + clients
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   - nph-config.cfg
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   + <client-N>
       |   |   |       |
       |   |   |       - nph-config.cfg
       |   |   |       |
       |   |   |       + <command-N>
       |   |   |           |
       |   |   |           - nph-config.cfg
       |   |   |
       |   |   + configs
       |   |       |
       |   |       - nph-config.cfg
       |   |       |
       |   |       + <config-N>
       |   |           |
       |   |           - nph-config.cfg
       |   |           |
       |   |           + <client-N>
       |   |               |
       |   |               - nph-config.cfg
       |   |
       |   + nph-webjob
       |   |   |
       |   |   - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |   |
       |   |   + clients
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   + <client-N>
       |   |   |       |
       |   |   |       - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |   |       |
       |   |   |       + <command-N>
       |   |   |           |
       |   |   |           - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |   |
       |   |   + commands
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   + <command-N>
       |   |   |       |
       |   |   |       - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |   |       |
       |   |   |       + <client-N>
       |   |   |           |
       |   |   |           - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |   |
       |   |   + queues
       |   |       |
       |   |       - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |       |
       |   |       + <client-N>
       |   |           |
       |   |           - nph-webjob.cfg
       |   |
       |   + skel
       |       |
       |       - upload-unix-a.cfg
       |       - upload-unix-a.ptr
       |       - upload-unix-b.cfg
       |       - upload-unix-b.ptr
       |       - upload-winx-a.cfg
       |       - upload-winx-a.ptr
       |       - upload-winx-b.cfg
       |       - upload-winx-b.ptr
       |       - worker-daily-unix.cfg
       |       - worker-daily-winx.cfg
       |       - worker-hourly-unix.cfg
       |       - worker-hourly-winx.cfg
       + db
       |   |
       |   + mldbm
       |   |   |
       |   |   - client.db
       |   |   - client.db.lock
       |   |
       |   + pound
       |       |
       |       + commands
       + dynamic
       |   |
       |   + <client-N>
       |       |
       |       + jids
       |           |
       |           - <jid-N>.get
       |           - <jid-N>.put
       + incoming
       |   |
       |   - <job-N>.out
       |   - <job-N>.err
       |   - <job-N>.env
       |   - <job-N>.rdy
       + logfiles
       |   |
       |   - nph-config.log
       |   - nph-config-hook.err
       |   - nph-config-hook.log
       |   - nph-config-hook.out
       |   - nph-webjob.log
       |   - nph-webjob-hook.err
       |   - nph-webjob-hook.log
       |   - nph-webjob-hook.out
       |   - nph-webjob-trigger.log
       + outcasts (reserved)
       + pidfiles (reserved)
       + pipeline (reserved)
       + profiles
       |   |
       |   + <common-N>
       |   |   |
       |   |   + commands
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   - <command-N>
       |   |   |
       |   |   + configs
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   - <config-N>
       |   |   |
       |   |   + content
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   - <content-N>
       |   |   |
       |   |   + hooks
       |   |   |   |
       |   |   |   - <hook-N>
       |   |   |
       |   |   + triggers
       |   |       |
       |   |       - <trigger-N>
       |   |
       |   + <client-N>
       |       |
       |       + baseline
       |       |   |
       |       |   + <dir-1>
       |       |   |   |
       |       |   |   - <file-1>
       |       |   |
       |       |   + <dir-N>
       |       |       |
       |       |       - <file-N>
       |       |
       |       + etc
       |       |   |
       |       |   - upload-a.cfg
       |       |   - upload-a.ptr
       |       |   - upload-b.cfg
       |       |   - upload-b.ptr
       |       |   - upload.cfg
       |       |
       |       + commands
       |       |   |
       |       |   - <command-N>
       |       |
       |       + configs
       |       |   |
       |       |   - <config-N>
       |       |
       |       + content
       |       |   |
       |       |   - <command-N>
       |       |
       |       + hooks
       |       |   |
       |       |   - <hook-N>
       |       |
       |       + triggers
       |       |   |
       |       |   - <trigger-N>
       |       |
       |       + workers
       |           |
       |           - daily.cfg
       |           - hourly.cfg
       + spool
       |   |
       |   + jqd
       |   |   |
       |   |   + <client-N>
       |   |   |
       |   |   + <public-N>
       |   |
       |   + rid
       |       |
       |       + <rid-N>
       + users
           + <user-N>

The archives directory is an area where uploaded data may be placed for long-term storage. It is reserved for future use.


The config directory contains sub-directories for major server-side components (e.g., Apache, DSV, JQD, etc.) and applications. For example, the sub-directory called nph-webjob contains the main CGI configuration file for nph-webjob.cgi. The directories below this level are optional, and they are used in conjunction with the EnableConfigOverrides and ConfigSearchOrder controls.


The db directory is an area where various databases may be placed and maintained.


The dynamic directory is an area where content is stored temporarily while it is being delivered to a particular client.


The incoming directory is a holding tank. This is where uploaded data is stored prior to being processed. Files in this directory are created automatically by nph-webjob.cgi as clients post their data to the server. The names of these files may be customized (see PutNameFormat property in nph-webjob.cfg).


The logfiles directory is self-explanatory.


The pidfiles directory is reserved for future use.


The pipeline directory is reserved for future use.


The outcasts directory is reserved for future use.


The profiles directory contains one or more shared directories (e.g., common, shared, sysadmin, etc.) and one directory for each client that is managed by the server.

Client directories may contain some or all of the following sub-directories: baseline, commands, configs, content, dsv, etc, hooks, log, run, triggers, and workers. The baseline tree is intended to be a mirror or backup (perhaps sparsely populated) of the client file system. Trusted files are placed in this tree just as they would appear on the client system relative to the root directory. The configs tree is intended to contain various config files that the client may request via nph-config.cgi while executing jobs. The etc tree holds client-specific config files. The commands tree is intended to contain programs or scripts that you want the client to execute. This directory may also be populated with symbolic links that point to native files in the corresponding baseline tree. WebJob automatically looks in the commands tree for programs and scripts that may be served to the client. The other sub-directores are reserved for local profiles and/or future use.

Shared directories (e.g., common, shared, webadmin, etc.) are used to store programs common to multiple clients. These directories are searched when the requested program or script can't be found in the client's commands directory. Shared directories are enabled by adding their name to the folder list (see FolderList property in nph-webjob.cfg).


The spool directory is an area where various spools or queues may be placed and maintained.


The users directory is reserved for future use.



Force existing files to be overwritten. By default, existing files are not modified.

-f {file|-}

Specifies the name of the input file. A value of '-' will cause the program to read from stdin.

-p {all|config|derived}

Print configuration properties to stdout. A value of 'config' will print all specified properties from the file and any remaining properties that have a default value. A value of 'derived' will print only those properties that are derived from base properties. A value of 'all' will print both sets of properties.


Klayton Monroe


nph-config.cgi(1), nph-webjob.cgi(1)


All documentation and code are distributed under same terms and conditions as WebJob.

Copyright 2000-2014 The WebJob Project, All Rights Reserved.
The FreeBSD Project SourceForge Logo KoreLogic, Inc.