webjob-mldbm-get-job-kvps - Get job- or client-related key/value pairs.
webjob-mldbm-get-job-kvps [-r] [-d db] [-o option[,option[,...]]] -c client-id -j job [key ...]
This utility gets one or more job- or client-related key/value pairs.
- -c client-id
Specifies the client ID to query.
- -d db
Specifies the MLDBM database to query.
- -j job
Specifies the job to query.
- -o option,[option[,...]]
Specifies the list of options to apply. Currently, the following
options are supported:
- BeQuiet
Don't print warning messages.
- KeysOnly
Only print keys rather than key/value pairs.
- ValuesOnly
Only print values rather than key/value pairs.
- -r
Reverse the meaning of the client-id and key arguments. This
option allows you to request the value of a single key for each client
Upon successful completion, a value of 0 (XER_OK) is returned.
Otherwise, one of the following error codes is returned:
1 = XER_Usage
2 = XER_Abort
3 = XER_UnknownClients
4 = XER_UnknownJobs
5 = XER_UnknownKeys
6 = XER_UnknownCombo
Klayton Monroe
webjob-mldbm-create-job(1), webjob-mldbm-delete-job(1), webjob-mldbm-list-jobs(1), webjob-mldbm-set-job-kvps(1)
All documentation and code are distributed under same terms and
conditions as WebJob.