webjob-delete-account - Delete one or more WebJob user accounts.
webjob-delete-account [-H webjob-home] [-S webjob-server-home] username [username ...]
This utility deletes one or more WebJob user accounts.
- -H webjob-home
This option specifies the home directory of the WebJob client. The
default value is '/usr/local/webjob'.
- -S webjob-server-home
This option specifies the home directory of the WebJob server. The
default value is '/var/webjob'.
Upon successful completion, a value of 0 (XER_OK) is returned.
Otherwise, one of the following error codes is returned:
1 = XER_Usage
2 = XER_Abort
webjob-create-account(1) and webjob-lock-account(1)
Klayton Monroe
This utility was initially written to support WebJob deployments.
All documentation and code are distributed under same terms and
conditions as WebJob.